Want To Procure A Tiny House In Florida? Here Are The Rules And Regulations You Should Not Overlook

Tiny houses have become all the rage nowadays, and the situation is the same for the ‘Sunshine State’, – yes, we are talking about Florida. Tiny houses are typically smaller versions of houses, having an area of about 100 to 400 square feet. Although no specific guidelines specify the size of tiny houses, the prebuilt tiny homes do not normally exceed the 400 square feet range. 

If you are planning to buy a tiny house in Florida, there are numerous rules and regulations you should keep in mind, and that is exactly what we will be taking a look at here. So, let’s begin. 


Which Florida counties permit tiny homes? 

Florida is always in support of tiny home communities. But still, it is advisable to inspect with the county where you are shifting to ascertain that tiny homes are permitted in that particular community. You can visit the local jurisdiction office and review the zoning and building ordinances carefully. Doing so will give you a clear idea of whether you can set up or construct a tiny house on your owned property. 

Here is a list of the most popular counties in Florida where tiny homes are allowed. Let’s take a look at them. 

  • Osceola County
  • Sarasota County 
  • Petersburg 
  • Orange County 

Each of these counties has its own set of rules and regulations, and tiny homeowners are expected to adhere to the same. The rules and regulations mainly encompass the building procedure of a tiny house and the different ways you can utilize it. Tiny homeowners should strictly follow the rules and regulations in place so they do not run into any legal trouble while building their dream homes.

What are Florida’s tiny home rules and regulations that you should not overlook? 

Florida has numerous counties that have already fallen in love with tiny houses. However, although Florida is comfortable with this idea, you should review many rules and regulations before purchasing a tiny house. 

For instance, the mind-boggling Ormond Beach is one of the most popular spots for tiny home builders and tiny houses. However, you will certainly face some nagging issues if you wish to travel in your tiny house. You must know where you can park your tiny house on wheels. According to the regulations, tiny houses installed in RV parks must be moved every 45 days. 

It’s not just about moving the tiny house. You also have to shell out some bucks for its foundation. Speaking about registration, the regulation says you should register your tiny house with the Department of Motor Vehicles in Florida

Another lovely spot where tiny homeowners love to flock to is St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, you have to keep the square footage requirements in mind and comply with the same positively. 

The law says that no matter which plans you have opted for your amazingly exquisite tiny house, the square footage area should be at least 375 sq. feet and not exceed 700 sq. feet. Your tiny house must have a minimum square footage area of 400 sq. feet to qualify in St. Petersburg. 

What should be the ideal size of a tiny Florida house? 

Florida has its own rules regarding a tiny house’s overall size. These rules decide how small a tiny house can be. The expectations differ for every housing area; the minimum size requirement can also go up to 1,500 square feet. 

If you are looking for a top-notch spot for setting up your tiny house, we suggest going for areas that do not have the minimum square footage requirements for tiny houses. Some of the most sought-after counties that do not have minimum square footage requirements include: 

  • Casselberry city 
  • Longwood city 
  • Oviedo city 

So, if you are setting up your tiny house in any of these cities, you don’t have to worry about the minimum square footage requirements. People living in tiny home communities want the tiny home aspect and thus want the tiny houses to occupy less than 1000 square feet of area. This goes a long way in ensuring that the much-aspired tiny feel is achieved. 

And if you are on the lookout for the smallest footage requirements, Pasco County and St. Petersburg might be the best fit for you. Tiny houses in these locations generally have an area of 375- 400 square feet, which is quite tiny, even for a tiny house. 

Where to find land for a tiny house? 

Finding the ideal plot of land for a tiny house is daunting. Procuring a piece of land for setting up a tiny house might not always be possible in your preferred county. Things get much more difficult for people opting for off-grid living, as that might be illegal in your preferred area.  

It is highly advisable to go through the land use and local zoning regulations before going out and purchasing your ideal piece of land. You should figure out the primary purpose of the tiny house. Doing so will help you pick up a plot of land that suits you best. 

Do you intend to use your tiny house as a round-the-clock, seasonal, or vacation house? These things will go a long way in determining how you would use the tiny house, where you would set up the tiny house, and the zone that fits the bill in the best way possible. If you need any help with your chosen land for setting up a tiny house or want to know whether you can erect it there, contact the local construction officials, who will guide you. 


Final Take:

The aforementioned rules and inspecting the building and zoning offices before moving counties or procuring land can help you locate the ideal spot. Florida does support tiny houses and the tiny home community. It is advisable to do your homework before jumping into a tiny house. If you are looking for high-end  in and around Florida, your search ends here at TinyHouseMe We have an online directory where you will find a complete list of multiple certified tiny home builders all across the US and Canada. Get in touch with the builders via us to get a quick response and competitive pricing from the builders.